WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
Signed in as:
You must forgive everyone who has even trespassed against you. If you do not, God will neither forgive your sins nor heal you! (Matt 6:14)
Love your brother as yourself.
Everything you have is on loan, you must return everything. You cannot take anything with you, you do not have pockets.
Let me sing my song for you.
Just let Jesus' Divine Faith heal all your pains away today! Let Jesus' faith be your rescue. Close your eyes, and let Jesus' faith wash your pain away! Time fades, but my faith never will. Lay your hand on a hand, in Jesus' Divine Faith, I command you to heal!
I lay hands on myself, and I'm healed everytime! Let me lay hands to show you too. Text Me NOW! JesusFaithHealing 206-664-1945.
I teach LearnReadGreek.com, so you may interpret Jesus' Faith Healing! Nothing is confusing anymore when you read it in Ancient Koine Greek, the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945
I'm Jesus' Faith Healer!
PROOF! Look at me, I lay hands on myself healing my aches and pains, Jesus heals me every-time I lay hands on myself.
I carry no health insurance, I put all my faith in God, not man. Health insurance companies send me stuff, I just toss it.
WARNING! I am not asking nor recommending you refuse and/or stop doctors care, and/or stop prescribed medications. I am only proving to you, using my faith in "Jesus Faith Healing," what I do in His name.
God has been asleep for 2000 years,
He's now awaken with the eternal Gospel (2 Peter 3:4-7). Today (Rev 14:6) His eternal Gospel is delivered to you His chosen, because you chose to read every word of God, knocking on Heavens Door! (Rev 4:1)
STOP! (Rev 7:3) "until we Seal those slaves of the God of us, on their foreheads." (Psalms 12:5) "now I will arise says the Lord and I will speak openly through the new him."
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter.
It's God's choice who's adopted or not into Heaven, the Kingdom of God. It's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Jesus said it! (Matt 21:18-22).
YOU too can be like Jesus' Faith Healing. Jesus just said it, or was that a lie, not for you?
Jesus' FAITH HEALING requirement:
"ONLY If you forgive everyone who has even trespassed against you, will God forgive you your sins. If you have not forgiven everyone their trespasses against you, then God will not forgive you your sins." Jesus said it!
(Matt 6:14-15)
Can you forgive everyone who's ever done you wrong? Have you?
Pause and think about them now in your mind. And say, you forgive them now.
Only then will God forgive you your sins. And only then can I lay hands on you to be healed, in Jesus' name.
How can you expect Jesus Faith Healing,
if your sins aren't forgiven you? Do you believe God will heal you if your sins aren't forgiven?
Does your Church explain, Jesus only forgives you your sins, if you have forgiven EVERYONE their sins against you? (Matt 6:14-15)
Does your Church teach, that you only need faith Jesus forgave your sins, because Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and you're now saved?
Does your Church teach, the only way into Heaven, the Kingdom of God, is only to be born again with water Baptism, and the Holy Spirit remaining on you (Mark 16:16, John 3:5). As Jesus exampled? (John 1:32)
I'm Jesus' Faith Healer! JesusFaithHealing.com
Snail Mail me your self addressed stamped envelope, I'll send you my Jesus Divine Faith Healing Bible book marker, FREE! Att: Frank John Baptist c/o Apostle Mary, 2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote them only in Ancient Koine Greek.
Reading the English Bible, is your milk. Reading God's Ancient Koine Greek, is your meat Are you ready to make that leap your next step, to say "you read Greek!"
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote NT only in Greek.
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500. + buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com course supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donations to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
Why are you still reading a translation?
I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
DONATE Veterans SuicideBusters
I guarantee you will will save at least one Veteran behavioral from choosing suicide, AMEN!
I guarantee it! ...or your money back!
When you TitheGOD Veterans SuicideBusters for six months, if God has not changed your life for the better within six months, I will refund your total:
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Text Me! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
PLEASE DONATE, don't muzzle me!
100% your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church, when you Tithe "family and friends.". Veterans.
SuicideBusters.com receive 100% of your offering. Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit friends and family Church, does not, and cannot charge the Veteran for saving them from suicidal behavioral. Veterans Suicide Busters, depends solely on your tithe support, to pay for the day to day Veteran's Suicide Busters operations & expenses.
The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.” (1 Tim 5:17-18 and Deut 25:4)
I cannot devote Divine Faith Healing, (time and study) without your support. I cannot invoice people for being healed by Jesus Faith Healing. My Lord commands me: "Freely you have received, freely give" (Matt 10:8)
TitheGOD.com Apostle Mary (Magdalene) 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church, receives 100% your tithing donation, paypal receives zero processing fee, when you paypal to "family & friends", thank you!
"If you forgive everyone who has even trespassed against you, God will forgive you your sins. But if you do not forgive everyone their trespasses against you, then God will not forgive you your sins." (Matt 6:14-15)
Jesus' disciples asked Jesus to be taught how John Baptist taught his disciples to pray.
Jesus explains how in (Luke 11:1), then Jesus continues telling the story about the neighbor who bothered his friend sleeping cuddling his children at 2:00 AM, to give him some snack food for his company visiting his house at 2:00AM in the morning! Meaning God listens to all your prayers, no matter the hour or how often.
I selfishly wish we could always be healed because of Christ’s victory over sin and death on the cross, but the reality is even in Jesus’ time and in Paul’s personal life, healing wasn’t always a reality.
When God seemed to want to do something special and significant, He healed. At other times, sickness was a trial or a way of life. In these cases, as in all instances, God’s grace was sufficient (2 Cor 12:9-10).
I own the very first Bible!
This very first Bible is called the Codex Sinaiticus, google it! All scholars agree this is the very first Bible, that your English translations are translated from in one form or another.
It's written in Ancient Koine Greek. Do you read Greek? I do.
Here look, see what ancient Greek looks like in it's original raw form, before translators and scholars got ahold of it!
I own it! It's written in ancient Greek, you're welcome to read it, if you read Greek. I teach LearnReadGreek.com, I guarantee after my 4 lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the ancient Greek Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote. Or your money back guarantee! Text Me! "Learn Read Greek" 206-664-1945
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote NT only in ancient Greek.
The problem with your English translation, "there's Greek words that can't be translated into English", google it!
I'll prove it to you!
There's thirty ways to say "the" in Greek, but only one way to say "the" in English, google it! How can you translate that?
There's 30 ways to say every English word in Greek. How do you translate that Greek into English?
How can you take a translators word for it, if it can't be translated? This is called "translators choice." The only way you can know for certain, God's exact Biblical truth, is to LearnReadGreek.com, so you may interpret prophecy! Nothing is confusing anymore when you read in ancient Greek! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945
Revelation 22:19 English translation says:
"if anyone takes away from the words in this prophetic book,God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the Holy City described in this book"
If some Greek words cannot be translated into English, proves translators have already taken away and added words, to God's Word.
You should have been taught to LearnReadGreek as a child. Not teach to trust a man to tickle your ear with an English translation, to entice us to buy$$$ that publishers copyrighted English version of God's Word!
"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matt 4:4)
The bottom line is, if you can't read Apostles original ancient Greek, then you can't understand Jesus' Faith Healing either. My LearnReadGreek.com online Bible Study, allows all ages to read Jesus' exact Greek words that God, His Heavenly Father spoke to us.
(Rev 4:1) "A Dorr is now open in Heaven for you," there is still time before the BibleEND, for you to get back to the Apostles ancient Bible Greek, and know exactly what was really said!
The NT was written only in Greek, so why not get back to the original translation, and translate the original Greek for yourself? To learn exactly what "Divine Faith Healing" is, what Jesus taught, you can only know if you LearnReadGreek. An English version can't teach you, because there's 30 ways to say the word "the" in Greek, and as you should know, there's only one (1) way to say "the" in English.
Please translate that "Mr. Scholar!" Or as John Baptist, would say in your English "You brood of vipers! (Matt 3:7) or better translated from the ancient Greek, "you children of blood suckers! Who gave you authority to translate God's word? Certainly not God, you usurped the authority yourself! And look at the mess you made, stealing from widows!
If you're already laying hands successfully healing, then you can teach me! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945
Is your Church studying "Divine Faith Healing" Jesus vented? google it! Is your Church teaching you to "Learn Read Greek" NT in ancient Koine Greek, the language our Apostles wrote, and Jesus spoke?
Text Me! Let me know 206-664-1945
Do you see a flock of God's Doves flying at your Church Baptisms, weddings, funerals, or just hanging out at your mega Church services for you to enjoy? God's Doves really visited me today, drive by my house about noonish, see God's Doves fly by!
John Baptist' disciples, Baptized, both @Jordan and those other areas where John, Baptized all Judea's souls, (Mark 1:4, John 3:22) they enjoyed God's Doves flying by too. That's how God's Dove descended on Jesus!! When you see one Dove descending on Jesus, there's a flock near, because God's Doves never fly alone.
What is Faith Healing?
The only way to know is to Learn Read Greek I guarantee (or your money back) you will be able to read the entire NT in the Greek the Apostles wrote. And you will read in ancient Greek exactly what Faith Healing is.
Because we're going to read each verse Jesus vented faith healing. Ancient Koine Greek can't be translated into English, because there's 30+ ancient Greek ways to say any English word. And there's Greek words that can't be translated, google it!
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
If you asked Peter to heal you, could you understand his ancient Koine Greek? Or would you expect Peter to respond to you in your English? Peter wrote your Bible in only ancient Koine Greek, not ancient English. For laying on hands Divine Faith Healing, Bible study is for you to be informed what ancient Koine Greek really says! Or you'll never know the truth what Jesus and the Apostles said.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
You must Learn Read Greek, simply because Jesus taught His disciples in ancient Koine Greek, a "deep thought" language for a reason. Jesus could have taught in Hebrew, or Aramaic, or how about Latin?
I teach LearnReadGreek.com, so you may interpret prophecy! Nothing is confusing anymore when you read in ancient Greek! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945
First rule: "Divine Faith Healing"
"ONLY If you forgive everyone who has even trespassed against you, will God forgive you your sins. But if you do not forgive everyone their trespasses against you, then God will not forgive you your sins." (Matt 6:14-15)
Second Rule:"
"The elders who direct the affairs of the Church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.” (1 Tim 5:17-18, Deut 25:4)
I cannot devote Divine Faith Healing, (time and study) without your support. I cannot invoice Jesus' Faith Healing, my Lord commands: "Freely you have received, freely give" (Matt 10:8).
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Text Me! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
Where are you in your Bible?
Why not READ IT in the same Greek language Jesus' Apostles spoke?
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me 206-664-1945
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles only wrote them in Greek.
Greek lessons, you'll read entire
NT in Greek the Apostles wrote!
Money back guarantee!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com bible study,
supports Veterans SuicideBusters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donation. Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
"Deep ancient Greek meaning" google it!
Peter was walking on the water, he saw Jesus, and the wind and the waves. He first had faith to walk like Jesus, but Peter became afraid and plunged into the water. Peter then cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus caught Peter with his hand. Jesus said, "Peter your faith is small, of little faith, why did you doubt???” (Matt 14:30-31)
Could you lose your Faith in Jesus too? What is Faith? Did Peter ever get that Faith back again? Did you have it? I can float, and I know I can walk on water too, if I have enough views!
Divine Faith really works!
I was sentenced to a year to serve in King County Jail, Seattle, WA. The exact year I don't remember, but it can be found out with research, Seattle isn't that far away. It was approximately 1976, the exact date can be verified through King County Jail records.
I promised Jesus, if He released me from that jail, I would witness anyone who would listen to my story, are you listening?
The jail had long picnic size steel tables in the day room, with inmates slamming slapping dominoes every turn on these steel tables, it was an absolute terrible never ending banging noise, if you could imagine how dominoes are played in jail on a steel table.
The inmates would line up single file to be led to the chow hall for meals three times each day. I would skip meals because when the inmates were eating their meals in the chow hall, that left me with perfect domino free silence!
It began on Monday, I prayed to be released from jail. I wasn't released that day.
The next day I again prayed, I said my faith was stronger than Monday, again I was not released that Tuesday. Again the next day I prayed, promising my faith was stronger than the day before, I still was not released Wednesday. Thursday came, I proclaimed my faith was even stronger than the day before, and my faith will only be stronger tomorrow, but I was not released that day either. Friday came, again I prayed, proclaiming to both myself and Jesus, that my faith was only stronger believing I would be released, however, I was not released that Friday. Then Saturday Sabbath, came and gone, I proclaimed my faith was only stronger than all the days before put together!
Then Sunday came, I was told the jail never released anyone on Sunday. Sunday was laundry day where you trade in your issued bedding and orange suit and underwear's for clean laundry. I was told if you are called for "laundry exchange", that I would not be released, because it cost the Jail money to change my laundry, if I were to be released on laundry day, the jail would not change my laundry. However, my name was called for" laundry exchange" on the Jail speaker intercom. I was given my exchange laundry, then I was standing in a single file line to return to my cell block. As I began walking returning to my cell, I heard another announcement on the jail intercom, it called my last name to "roll up." I asked another inmate what "roll up" meant? That inmate explained it meant for lucky me to go to my cell and roll all my stuff up, I am being released!!!
So I did just that, I did not ask any questions, I had about another six (6) months to serve. That jail dressed me out in my "street clothes". I was led to stairs, I walked down the stairs alone, and a door clicked open. I looked at a wet rainy sidewalk on 2nd Ave in Seattle at the King County Court House.
I had just a few dollars in my pocket. I flagged a taxi to take me as far as my few dollars would take me to Capital Hill in Seattle. I went to my girlfriend's apartment, she was very surprised to see me, she was not expecting me. It was Sunday, I asked her not to tell anyone I was released from jail.
I immediately called everyone I knew including my family and Mother. I did not tell anyone I was not in jail at that moment, everyone still believed I was calling them from jail.
The next day Monday, I called my public defender appointed attorney, he didn't know I was out of jail either. In fact he apologized to me that I was in jail. Then I explained to him that I was now released from jail, and I was calling him from a private phone. He told me, the authorities couldn't come and get me, they released me, to just stay out of trouble.
As I said, my testimony can be verified as true. Seattle, King County Jail records are available even today 49 years after the fact. Which is something I should hire an attorney to investigate and report, for all curious minds to know and report that this is God's truth! My faith in Jesus saved me! Amen!
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Jesus said this in response to people's faith in Him. “Your faith has healed you.” Jesus indicated their faith was the root cause of their healing.
Matthew 9:22 & Mark 5:34: Jesus said,
"your faith has healed you," to a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years.
· Luke 17:19: Jesus said, "your faith has healed you," to a leper.
· Luke 18:42: Jesus said, "your faith has healed you," to a blind beggar.
· Luke 7:50: Jesus said, "your faith has healed you," to the woman who washed Jesus' feet with her tears.
Matt 8:5–13 and Luke 7:1–10: Jesus marveled and said, "no one of such great faith in all Israel have I found," And Jesus said to the Centurion, "go as you believed, let it be for you." And the child was healed in the hour.
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote NT only in Greek.
Why are you still reading a translation? I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
There's 30+ ways to say any one English word in Greek, and only one way to say it in English. Every English word has 30+ hidden Greek definitions in ancient Koine Greek. If you do not Learn Read Greek, you can never understand how to live by every word of God, and/or what the exact God's truth is, that sets us free. The only way to know ancient Koine Greek's 30+ meanings, is to Learn Read Greek, or you'll never know exactly what the Apostles deep Greek meanings are talking about, it's called, "blind leading the blind" for whom do not know. Because the Apostles wrote the NT only in ancient Koine Greek, that gets lost in translation into any language. And there are Greek words that cannot even be translated, google it!
EXAMPLE translating difficulty:
Ancient Koine Greek word for "faith" is pistis, translated into English can be translated as:
Text Me! "Learn Read Greek" 206-664-1945
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote them in Greek. Learn Read Greek, the truth sets us free!
I teach Learn Read Greek, for you to read the entire New Testament in ancient Koine Greek in four (4) easy lessons, or your money back guarantee!
I teach LearnReadGreek.com, so you may interpret prophecy! Nothing is confusing anymore when you read in ancient Greek! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945
What not to do to have faith
"Jesus Faith Healing" the Child, because all the Apostles each could not heal (Matt 17:16). "And I brought him to your Disciples, and they could not heal him".
All Jesus' Disciples were unable to heal a boy possessed by a demon, (demon is slang) and suffering from seizures. The boy's condition was life-threatening dangerous, and was beyond the ability of doctors to heal.
Jesus Faith Healing, rebuked the demon (demon is slang) and healed the boy. Jesus then explained to His Disciples, they were unable to heal the boy because they lacked Jesus Faith Healing.
Anyone claiming “Faith Healing” is through them through Jesus, because Jesus gave them the Divine Faith Healing power to heal you, they are the liar, false Christ’s.
Learn Read Greek, you will understand Jesus Faith Healing, "your faith has saved you." You will read in tongues, and interpret prophecy. When you depend on English translations of the Greek, then you will have more what we already have, "speaking in tongues that can’t be translated", and 907 different scholar’s English Bible translations, and more fake preachers on mega TV faith healing falling backwards!
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
Then follow closely (Luke 11:1) prayer instructions, changing “us” into “I” instead. Also study how Job got all his stuff back, then text me 206-664-1945 your answer how Job got his stuff back, I'll tell you if you're correct.
As a last resort,
Apostle Paul blesses the alcoholic juice of the grapevine. Paul in 1st Timothy, advocates drinking alcoholic wine. Paul says, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." (1 Tim 5:23)
Unfortunately spiritually, things aren't always what they seem to be on the surface, even to the educated learned scholar.
Because of your faith in your doctor, is your doctor able to heal you through scientific proven methods, most times that faith in your medical care does cure you. The same can be for Biblical spiritual Jesus Faith Healing. It is written, if you have faith the size of a teeny tiny smallest seed as the mustard seed, you can move mountains, which translated another way, is your illness affecting you is of course your "mountain of a problem".
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote NT only in Greek.
Why are you still reading a translation? I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
Understanding faith is no simple undertaking. We're taught from childhood, all we need is to have faith in Jesus, and you are saved! Which I am a witness can be very true. But faith is far more than that, or we wold never lack in faith.
We must know exactly whom the person Jesus is, i.e. if I were to know you, if I weren't able to meet and greet to speak to you in person, I would need to then read about you.
To access reading material about you, if you're an Italian citizen living in Italy, I would need to learn read Italian, because obviously any background information I gather, i.e. your driving record, your school grades, whom you voted for, any police records, are all going to be written in Italian. For my information about you to be accurate, I cannot expect a translator to be absolute clear translating Italian, they will miss something they don't realize, I for certain need to read about you in Italian!
We ought not presume God’s healing, though we ought to presume "our faith in Jesus has healed us." The Bible reports; Jesus repeated seven times these exact words in ancient Koine Greek, "it's your faith that has healed you." Therefore, Jesus proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that "it is your faith in Jesus that heals you" (Matt 9:22).
God does heal (James 5:13-16) even today, but it's because He wants to, if "your faith has healed you". He honors your prayers of faith from the righteous hearts of His children, and He wants you to pray often all hours. But He doesn’t always work how we expect. I've been with believers who firmly believed they had the faith larger than a mustard seed, for Divine Faith Healing, and God for whatever reason, chose not to heal.
God obviously does not heal us physically forever, sometimes people must go on to be with the Lord. Yet I've heard testimony where "your faith to be healed" has confounded the believer, miraculously healing the patient. Regardless what God decides, we must be able to trust our "faith to be healed" in His way and will.
We can command God to heal, but our "faith to be healed" can ask Him to. In this world, we have tribulation, but we ought not to fear because for us, He has overcome this world. God causes all things to work for our good, even sickness and misfortune, and, yes, even death.
Paul said, "To live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21). One day sickness won’t be an issue anymore, but until then when we are in His Kingdom with Jesus, let us pray for "our faith to heal us", to endure all things, AMEN!
Can God heal? Yes.
Does God heal? Absolutely!
Has "your faith healed you"???
Jesus healed many times as a part of His earthly ministry. (Luke 7:18-23) Jesus proved to John Baptist disciples doubting He was the Christ, "Go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the gospel preached to them. Blessed is he who does not take offense at Me.” (Matt 11:6)
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
But why wasn't John Baptist head put back on? Herod arrested John Baptist, and put him in jail for six months, (well it felt like 6 months to John), then John Baptist was invited to the Kings birthday party only to lose his head! Do you think Jesus forgot about John after that?
After that, Jesus said, "I tell you, among those born of women none is greater than John..." (Matt 11:11, Luke 7:28). Jesus did not save John Baptist from losing his head, but Jesus has now raised John Baptist back from the dead today in the last days, (Rev 4:1) "and a door (John Baptist) opened in Heaven," and a trumpet (President Trump) spoke saying, "come here (vote for me), I will tell you what must happen..." Who speaks like that, Secretary Hillary or President Trump?
"Jesus Faith Healing" does not heal all sick people. Why? Because either God our Father in Heaven has another plan for us, or our "faith" is like what Jesus said to Peter walking on water, "why did you doubt?" (Matt 14:31) The question should be, not if Jesus heals, but, "do you have the faith to heal you?
In fact, Jesus Himself was injured (on the cross), He did not heal either Himself nor the thief who didn't believe. Obviously God did not save either, because neither prayed to be saved from the cross, or God had another plan for both, therefore Jesus and the bad thief died on the cross. However, the good thief "had the faith to be saved," and Jesus saved the good thief to be in Heaven with Him! But Jesus didn’t heal Himself off the cross, or put John Baptist head back on, like Jesus put that servants ear back on, just because Peter cut it off, (Matt 26:51-55, Luke 22:49-52, John 18:10-15).
Even after John Baptist, Jesus today still says those words "your faith has healed you." Jesus still works both miracles and physical healing today because "your faith has healed you."
However, every injury does not necessarily need to be physically healed on earth, as the good thief was healed into heaven, and John Baptist has been resurrected 2000 years after Herod's birthday party. In fact, it seems that illness is easier to cure with faith than physical death is to cure with faith. But sickness and death are always part of being in a cursed world with a mortal body, as Jesus was (Philemon 1:6, Heb 2:14).
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
The point is as one of the two thief's doubted Jesus, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” (Luke 23:39). Jesus saved neither Himself nor that "thief" who did not believe. Why did Jesus not save Himself nor that thief? Obviously Jesus rewarded the good thief promising him a seat in Heaven because he had faith in Jesus. Is this what we call "Divine Faith Healing" not saving Jesus, nor the bad thief?
Sometimes we might be prone to think Jesus would never have us be sick or hurting. The reality is if one day He will wipe away our tears and remove all pain and grief (Rev 21:4), but that day has not yet come. Is there a purpose today for suffering as it shapes faith, challenges us, and draws our faith towards eternity? (James 1:2-5, 2 Cor 4:16-18).
There is nothing in Scripture that guarantees all sickness has been conquered. Sometimes we get the idea the apostles were healing everybody left and right whom they came into contact with. We might tend to believe they had a sort of indiscriminate corner on healing. We might even be tempted to think only their faith could heal, and tell God when and where they wanted Him to work and heal through them.
The truth is the apostles could only do what God would enable them to do by their faith in Jesus. Just as Jesus proclaimed, "your faith has healed you." It isn't the Apostle healing, but your faith is not doubting, as Jesus said, Peter's faith doubted (Matt 14:31). When the Apostles moved to heal someone, they were moved by faith in the Holy Spirit, confident that their faith was to believe Jesus for healing. But there were other times when God didn’t heal, and they weren’t in shock or awe about this, they apparently understood why not. But it didn’t weaken their "faith to heal" in any way.
2 Timothy 4:20, Paul says, "...but Trophimus, I left sick at Miletus." Paul, the apostle who himself was healed from a deadly bite by a poisonous viper (Acts 28:3-6) could not or did not heal Trophimus. He left him sick. Why would he do this if he had the power in Jesus to heal him? Did Trophimus doubt, just as Peter's "faith" did when walking on water. It was not Paul's "power" to heal, but it was lack of faith in Jesus, and so God obviously chose not to heal trophimus, or Paul wouldn't have left Trophimus sick.
What about Epaphroditus, a helper to Paul and servant to the Philippians? He was sick to the point of death, but the Lord spared his life (Philippians 2:25-30). Why did things have to get so bad to the extent that this righteous servant of God almost died?
Couldn’t Paul or a person "gifted in healing" have spared him this near death experience?Again, it is not Paul "gifted with the power to heal" doing the healing, but it is the Epaphroditus "faith in Jesus to be healed" that save Epaphroditus. The Greek word is "evtimous" (..those such ones in esteem "evtimous" hold) Learn Read Greek, it was Epaphroditus who possessed "esteem," in Christ, is the same as saying Epaphroditus had immense faith in Jesus to be healed, therefore it was Epaphroditus, faith that healed him from death.
There is room in the Bible for doctors, hospitals, and medicine too. Luke is both a doctor, and the Gospel of Luke author, and the book of Acts too. Apostle Paul compliments Dr. Luke, is the "beloved physician" (Colossians 4:14).
Paul told Timothy (1 Tim 5:23), "No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments." For whatever reason, Timothy had some stomach issue and other frequent ailments, perhaps related, perhaps not. Regardless, he was suffering from some variety of sickness.
Paul’s advice was not to exorcise some demon of stomach sickness, nor did he come to Timothy to bestow faith healing upon him. Timothy was a man of great faith and was one of Paul’s closest friends and fellow servants of the Lord. It wasn’t for lack of faith that he wasn’t healed. It just wasn’t God’s plan for some reason, and both Paul and Timothy accepted that and lived in light of that reality. They took practical steps to deal with the problem.
Wanna pet my Dove?
No I'm not a magic act
This is God's Dove
Did you know??
Did you know when God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, that's God's sign you are SEALED on your forehead, you're adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. Is says it in (John 1:33) if you read it in the original ancient Greek. If you read an English translation it reads a little different.
It's God's choice who's SEALED on into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God used this Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit. It amazes me, is people believe in invisible angels with wings, but they don't believe in the Holy Spirit in the bodily form as God's Dove remaining on Jesus.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945 I own the very first Bible, all Bibles are translated from this Bible. Here look closely at the Greek text. In 4 lessons, I guarantee you will be able to read the entire NT in Greek!
You cannot read the Bible in English, and understand God's secrets of Jesus' Faith Healing. I'll prove it, there's one way to say the word "the" in English, but did you know there's 30 ways to say the word "the" in ancient Koine Greek? It's true, google it!
I don't make this stuff up, your English translation does. That means there's 30 ways to say "Mother" in Greek each with a different spelling, and one way to say "Mother" in English, how do you translate that?
Ancient Koine Greek, is an accurate language, Constantine asked the Bible be written in Greek too.
This is why the Jews translated the OT from Hebrew into Greek 300 years before Jesus. True story, google it!
The NT Bible was only in Greek until about 400 years after Jesus, when Catholic Jerome translated the first Bible translation from Greek into Latin.
John Wycliffe was the first who translated the fist NT English translation from Latin 1400 years after Jesus into English. Today we have 903 different copyrighted English Bible translations, so many that you need to reference which translation your using because different translations say different things.
But the ancient Koine Greek version, it says it one way, the way the Apostles wrote it! The only way to change what ancient Koine Greek says, is to change the spelling. So obviously LearnReadGreek you will yourself know exactly what that spelling means; the Bible truth, not a scholars translated opinion.
I'm a Jesus faith healer, but you got to have the same faith Jesus had.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
To be healed you must have the same faith that Jesus had healing, if you don't have faith like Jesus, then you can't be healed by faith. That's what Jesus taught, click n' read Jesus' Divine faith healing Bible Study.
First rule for faith healing is if you do not forgive everyone that has even trespassed against you, God is not going not forgive you your sins. If you have not been forgiven your sins, do you think God will still heal you? Did you think all you need is faith Jesus took away your sins? If you want me to lay hands on you, and pray you are healed, and believe you are healed, you must forgive everyone who has even trespassed against you.
You should read Jesus's Greek he spoke teach us how to faith heal. I mean He taught the Apostles, how to faith heal in the Bible, do you think He can teach you too?
To understand Faith Healing, you must read the exact same ancient Koine Greek Jesus spoke to teach the Apostles, and listen to their questions too in ancient Greek.
Ancient Koine Greek is 30 times more complicated than English. I'll prove it! There's 30 ways to say the word "the" in Greek, and only one way to say "the" in English. How do you translate that? Then there's Greek words that can't be translated into English, google it! How do you translate those?
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
I teach LearnReadGreek.com, so you may interpret prophecy! Nothing is confusing anymore when you read in ancient Greek! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945
Why are you still reading a translation?
I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Be certain to keep current the latest TRUMPinBible Prophecy coming true.
Don't make the same mistake Noah's generation did. Don't get burned, because God is coming with fire this time!
I have MORE TRUMPinBible END Prophecy to share (Rev 10:6)
At the end of Trump’s office; "In appointed days of the sounding of the seventh messenger, when he is about to Trumpet. Also will be known the mystery of God!"
In the last days, LearnReadGreek, to understand exactly what Scripture says. Fake preachers, and false prophets will no longer be able to twist Bible prophecy into what they want it to say. You’ll know both the Bible truth and who the fake preachers are.
BibleEND is today!!
I'm going to cut this video short this time, yo need to read all the text I wrote for you, if you do, I promise you will become Disciple
ou need to read this Bible Study text,
this video can't tell you the whole story. Like a video of the Bible could never explain you the whole story either, you need to read the text to got the whole story. This video I think is just a good way for us to get to know each other. Text Me! Let me know, okay?
I teach LearnReadGreek.com, so you may interpret prophecy! Nothing is confusing anymore when you read in ancient Greek! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit Church
After my 4 lessons, I guarantee you'll read Greek words Jesus spoke, & interpret prophecy Apostles wrote! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945