WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
Signed in as:
Knock knock on Heaven's Door, now open awaiting you! (Rev 4:1) Who's that Door?
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
Because the first three Bible are written in Greek. I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
Do you believe in invisible flying angels?
God's Doves are true not invisible, or Jesus would not have exampled in all four Gospels, God's Dove in the Bodily form representing God's Holy Spirit.
It's impossible to tell you everything about God's Dove in a video, just as it's impossible for a video to tell you everything that's in the Holy Bible.
To understand, you'll need to read the text I've written in this website. Video is only an opportunity for you to see and get to know me.
Soon you're going to hear a lot about the END TIMES in the news, that's because it's here. I prove it in my BibleEND.com website page. The more media reads my BibleEND webpage, the more you'll hear about the BibleEND Times in the NEWS.
Lucifer, is going to now awake to especially deceive you, because his only job is to keep you out of Heaven. All fake preachers are going to discredit my BibleEND information as heresy, because it's their job to keep their job!
The only way to tell a fake preacher, is with God's Dove, if that preacher can't show you God's Dove, then they are not God's Preacher. Notice how fake preachers have a picture of a Dove, but not a real Dove.
PROOF! Jesus' 2nd Baptism
John Baptist, preached a "Baptism of repentance", John Baptist baptized all Judea. ( Matt 3:5, Mark 1:5)
And then all the people in Judea were baptized a 2ndBaptism by Jesus' Apostles! “Rabbi, he (Jesus) who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you bore witness—look, He (Jesus' Disciples) is baptizing, and all are going to Him.” (John 3:26)
Truly truly I tell you; Jesus, showed us this Dove remaining on you in the bodily form is God's Holy Spirit.
According to Jesus,
God's Holy Spirit guides, speaks, hears, discloses, and glorifies (John 16:13-14, NASB). The Holy Spirit also teaches and reminds us (John 14:26). He dwells in us (John 14:17), He testifies (John 15:24, John 15:26) and She convicts (John 16:8).
God's Dove is the most common symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, it was a dove that signaled the end of the flood (Gen 8:8-12).
Jesus the Son of God, can't be baptized (adopted by God), however, Jesus endorsed Baptism with God's Holy Spirit in the bodily form as a Dove remaining on you. (Mt 3:16; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:22; Jn 1:32). Jesus called the Holy Spirit the "Spirit of Truth" in John 14:17.
Wait until we SEAL Christians on their forehead. (Rev 7:3) Harm only who do not have SEAL of God on their forehead! (Rev 9:4)
Holy Spirit, is the third person of the Trinity. Numerous outpourings of the Holy Spirit are mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, in which healing, prophecy, the expelling of demons (exorcism), and speaking in tongues (glossolalia) are particularly associated with the activity of the Spirit.
Symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible.
The Holy Spirit is represented by a dove, fire, water, and other symbols. The Holy Spirit is associated with healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues.
Other associations
The Holy Spirit is said to dwell within believers and transform them into the temple of God.
Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are; wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. These gifts are first mentioned in the book of Isaiah:
9 Symbols of the Holy Spirit
(1) Water, (2) Anointing with Oil, (3) Fire, (4) Cloud, (5) Light, (6) Sealing, (7) Hand, (8) Jesus finger in the sand, and (9) God's Dove.
Have you ever seen a live flying Angel?
Have you ever seen a flying Dove?
I can show you God's Dove, but I can't show you an angel.
It's amazing people swear angels are true, and God's Doves are fake.
The angel people say, (Luke 3:22) "the Holy Spirit descended in the bodily form as a Dove upon Jesus." Was not a dove.
I ask, How can angels fly, and a Dove in bodily form on Jesus is a lie?
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter.
It's God's choice who's adopted or not into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God talks to you through the Dove. God has always used the Dove to represent His Holy Spirit all through-out the Bible, starting in Genesis, the Holy Spirit "hovering" over the waters.
Is your Church studying "Jesus Faith Healing" Jesus vented? google it!
Is your Church teaching you to "Learn Read Greek"? The first NT is written in ancient Koine Greek, our Apostles wrote, and Jesus spoke Greek. Now you can read the exact words and meaning the Apostles wrote, in 4 lessons. I guarantee it or your money back.
Text Me! 206-664-1945
Do you see a flock of God's Doves flying at your Church Baptisms, weddings, funerals, or just hanging out at your mega Church services for you to enjoy? God's Doves really visited me today, drive by my house about noonish, see God's Doves fly by!
John Baptist' disciples, both @Jordan and those other areas where John Baptized all Judea's souls, (Mark 1:4, John 3:22) enjoyed God's Doves flying by too. That's how God's Dove descended upon Jesus!!
Doves always fly in a flock, never alone, except for Noah, he didn't know better. Noah really had a lot on his mind, no wonder that third Dove never returned to Noah. Read what God said to John Baptist, explaining God's Doves! (John 1:32-33) Do you think it's a true story?
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Baptism is adoption.
Because Jesus is already the biological Son of God, proves He can't be adopted. The Bible describes Mary's conception of Jesus is the biological Son of God in (Luke 1:26-38 and Matt 1:18-25).
There are 1-2-3 requirements to be adopted by God.
#1. You must forgive everyone their sins against you, only then will God forgive your sins. (Matt 6:14-15). That’s a very good deal from God, to forgive my sins for a fact and for certain now immediately, don’t you agree?
#2. To be adopted into Heaven (Eph 1:5-13) if a Dove remains on you like the dove remained on Jesus (John 1:32-33), it's God’s Sign He is in agreement with your adopted into Heaven. Jesus said, the only way into Heaven is with Baptism and Holy Spirit. Jesus cannot be baptized because He is already a natural biological born Son of God, only we need to be adopted.
#3. Learn Read Greek, man lives by every word of God, (Matt 4:4 and Deut 8:3). Apostles wrote NT Bible in Greek not English, therefore to understand what Jesus said, we must first read Jesus words in the language Apostles spoke and wrote, because there are “Greek words that can’t be translated into English,”
Where are you in your Bible?
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500. + buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com course supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donations to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church.
I teach Learn Read Greek bible study!
I guarantee after my (4) easy Greek lessons, you will read the entire NT in Greek's deep ancient meanings the Apostles wrote, or your money back!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
Text Me! "Learn Read Greek" 206-664-1945
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Text Me! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
I'm here to prove God's Doves are not fake news, God's Holy Spirit really did remain in the bodily form as/like a Dove on Jesus! (Luke 3:22)
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
When you see a Dove on Jesus, you naturally see more Doves, because God's Doves like other smaller birds must fly in a flock to avoid predators. PROOF! See: "Pope's Dove release," google it!
Be honest with yourself, putting all Biblical fantasies aside, being totally realistic with yourself, why would all Judea, including Jerusalem (Matt 3:5, Mark 1:5) walk all day on foot into that hot desert wilderness, to be Baptized by an ill dressed bug eating John Baptist, in that muddy stinky Jordan river? Yes, it is all that even today, have you been there? google it! And what bugs did my John Baptist' disciples, the rockin' prayin' Baptizing gang, eat for three years?
John Baptist, literally went viral!
All Judea and Galilee, God's northern kingdom, google it!
All Judea talked walk all day to see John Baptist' God's Doves, to confess their sins and hear John Baptist preach and teach. Wouldn't you too, if you had the opportunity today?
It was nothing but a huge three year party bigger than Woodstock! It was always a free event with no entry fee! I can't think of any other event to compare those Baptizing days to. I'm trying to give you just an idea how big it was. I've never heard of another Christian revival that could ever come even close to compare to those John Baptist Baptizing days.
Even rich Herodias, Queen of all Galilee, she got in on the action. Herod Agrippa, he was terribly jealous. The queens slaves carriage carried both her, and her adopted daughter Salome, to that muddy Jordan to be Baptized by the then latest craze, "viral John". But God's Dove never remained on her. That's a whole different true story I need to share with you later, the rest of that story you've never heard, would make front page news today! I guarantee it! The whole story why John Baptist lost his head wasn't only because John Baptist insulted the Queen in public, it was really God's Dove not remaining on her!
God really played a part in this... I mean God the Father, must have been beyond being jubilantly thrilled, that no English word can come close to describing the blithesome cheerful delighted ecstatic feeling God truly had for His Son's coming ministry. That viral John Baptist' ministry was sent for, to preach and teach, preparing the way for God's only biological Son, because the Kingdom of God was then just now at hand! (Matt 3, Luke 3) Those were some heavy words back then, even today, but back then, well today you just can't imagine what it was like back then. Its like it was all said and done back then. But now today, we really do have the BibleEND happening, knocking on Heaven's door! (Rev 4:1, 7:3).
Text Me! John Baptist God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Is the entire country, size of Judea traveling today to your Church to be Baptized? Why not? If your Church had God's Doves, would people flock to your Church to be Baptized too, like they flocked to the viral John Baptist revival? If you filmed it, I think you certainly would go viral on YouTube saving souls. Let's try it, I'm available to go viral, how about you? Isn't going viral with God's every Word, what Church's want to make?
Text Me! John Baptist God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
It's God's choice, who's adopted or not into Heaven, it's not man's choice, or your choice either, it's not even my choice and it's God's Dove show! Notice, God speaks of the Dove throughout Scripture, beginning in the big inning, (Gen 1:2) "And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters", the Hebrew reads, "God's Holy Spirit hovered over the waters," representing God's Holy Spirit in the Kingdom of God, just so we know! To the BibleEND today (Rev 7:3) "wait until WE SEAL the Christians of the God of us upon the foreheads of them."
When God's Holy Spirit remains on you in the bodily form as/like a Dove, as/like Jesus exampled for you, this is God's Seal of approval on your forehead, that you are adopted as His "Son of God." Or His "DAUGHTER OF GOD", if you're really of the female gender. (You know, I read today you're suppose to not ever to know never today!) Did I politely write that right? Of course, God's Dove would never remain on you if you're like that (Romans). Thank God for the New Testament!
God speaks about His Dove throughout Scripture, God's Dove always represents God's Holy Spirit, even today's BibleEND remaining on you as God's Seal on your forehead (Rev 9:4).
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Weddings are only complete with
Text Me! 206-664-1945
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500. + buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com course supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donations to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
Where are you in your Bible?
Text Me! "Learn Read Greek" 206-664-1945
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
I teach Learn Read Greek bible study!
I guarantee after my (4) easy Greek lessons, you will read the entire NT in Greek's deep ancient meanings the Apostles wrote,
or your money back!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Text Me! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com bible study,
supports Veterans SuicideBusters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donation. Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500. + buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com course supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donations to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
For all special Events!
Text Me! 206-664-1945
This is your opportunity for God's Holy Spirit to descend upon you like did Jesus, in the bodily form as a Dove, (Luke 3:22)
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
I guarantee it! ...or your money back!
TitheGOD 10% for six months, if God has not changed your life for the better within six months, I will refund your total:
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Text Me! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
Rent-a-Dove.com is perfect for birthdays.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Doves are back!! 206-664-1945
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Where are you in your Bible?
I teach Learn Read Greek bible study!
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500. + buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com course supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donations to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
I guarantee after my (4) easy Greek lessons, you will read the entire NT in Greek's deep ancient meanings the Apostles wrote,
or your money back!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks.
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Text Me! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
Why release God's Doves at a funeral?
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
The blessings secured for us by the veterans of our armed forces should be near and dear to all of us. I am honored to release GodsDoves at military funerals. White Doves Release, releases are tailored to work in tandem with a military honor guard. Dove releases for Veterans are done at half the cost of other funeral services. If there is any difficulty with the cost, please call and talk. I do what I can to make a White Doves Release happen for veterans. I will do whatever I can for those who did what they could for the rest of us.
Text Me! John Baptis't God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
Where are you in your Bible?
I teach Learn Read Greek bible study!
I guarantee after my (4) easy Greek lessons, you will read the entire NT in Greek's deep ancient meanings the Apostles wrote,
or your money back!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe goes to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Text Me! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500.
+ buy your TextBooks
$500 Learn Read Greek bible study,
supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding,I receive no government funding, and I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donation. Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit John Baptist family and friends Church.
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!! 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit Church
After my 4 lessons, I guarantee you'll read Greek words Jesus spoke, & interpret prophecy Apostles wrote! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945