WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
WARNING BibleEND is NOW! (Rev 9:4) Only Christians with Seal on forehead ARE SAFE!!
Signed in as:
TRUMPinBIBLE.com gave "Frank" the pen!
Who you gonna call? SuicideBusters! 206-664-1945
I prove it! Trump is the BibleEND!
TRUMPinBible.com (Rev 4:1)
(continued below)
"A trumpet was speaking to me ..."
I'll read to you the exact Greek verses word by word, that proclaim President Trump is the BibleEND.
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Only you can interpret Revelation prophecy, if you LearnReadGreek.com Because there's 32 ways to say "the" in Greek, and only one way to say "the" in English, google it! How do you translate that?
The Apostles wrote only in Greek, why are you still reading a translation?
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me! 206-664-1945
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles only wrote them in Greek.
...continued from above
Trump is the BibleEND!
TRUMPinBible.com (Rev 4:1)
"A trumpet was speaking to me ..."
The Bible is a story line, it has a beginning and a BibleEND. Jesus said it!
Trump is the BibleEND!
Trump first appears in (Rev 4 PROPHECY)
“and a voice that I heard first, (President Trump's first 2017 election) trumpet (in the ancient Koine Greek genitive absolute case, is a person not a thing) was speaking with me saying, come up here [VOTE FOR ME] and I will show you what must happen after these things.” (only a politician talk's like that!)
Read that verse again closely; "I will show you what must happen after these things," even Biden and Hillery talk like that too, nobody else does! Trump is the political "trumpet speaking to me." Do you now sense my "Trump election" theory?
Read it again where it says; “a voice which I heard first.” This "first" Trumpet voice heard, is Trump's "first" 2017 Presidential election. This Bible prophecy is explaining Trump is elected twice, or why "heard it the first time"?
President Trump, appears again in your Bible...
several more times in Revelations!
President Trump plays a huge role in God's BibleEND, Trump is now taking up all the oxygen out of the Bible this time!
You can scoff at God's Bible Prophecy, you can call me heresy, you can call me fake news, you can even throw stones, you can do anything you want, but you're gotta serve somebody. I suggest you not make that same fatal mistake people made not being SEALED, instead just lived comfortably watching Noah build that huge boat on dry land for 120 long never-ending years. This time, God brings you fire, not water. (Rev 4:1) Knock knock on Heavens Door, that John Baptist' God's Dove is back to SEAL you on your forehead. Who is that Door?
(continued below)
ONLY YOU can STOP 16 suicides TODAY!
Operation 100%Recycling, STOPS Veterans choosing suicide TODAY! Yes immediately!
When Veterans are given a mission, Veterans are already trained to focus as a "team" to win that mission! Now we need to provide them that mission equipment, the tools, then you've just stopped 16 Veteran suicides immediately! Yes today!
NOW! SuicideBusters 100%Recycling, NEEDS PRESIDENT TRUMP'S FUNDING!
PLEASE EMAIL President Trump to fund NOW! GreenNewRecyclingDeal.com SuicideBusters 100%Recycling!!
Email: Trump @White House.com, google it!
Ask Trump to fund building the first SuicideBusters 100%Recycling plant! Say; I "Frank" asked you to email him. https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
SuicideBusters SECRET TO STOP SUICIDE. Give "reason to live" SMACKS SUICIDE in its face!
Each 100%Recycling plant special ops, is run and operated just like a real army barracks; canteen, bunks, chow hall, Chapel, etc.. Live on or off base. But the pay is way above average. Giving that Veteran an offer they can't refuse, a "reason to live!"
Each 100%Recycling plant is a home Veterans are use to, an "army barracks". He/she can live on or off base, but he/she gets high wage the military does not. He/She has an important job! Can't let 2000 tons solid waste wait, because we got another 2000 in coming. That's a lot of plastic2X4 replacing wood to be made and sold everyday 24/7!!
STOP Veterans choosing suicide TODAY!
2007, 22 Vets chose suicide everyday.
2024, 17 Vets chose suicide everyday.
Now I know a better way today, to STOP 16 Veterans from choosing suicide everyday!
I know how, I can prove it, read all about it!
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
Enroll NOW!! Donate $500. + buy your TextBooks
$500 LearnReadGreek.com course supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donations to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church
Give reason to live!
When Veteran's are given a mission, they're already trained to focus as a team to win that mission! Now we need to provide them that mission equipment, then you've just stopped 16 Veteran suicides today!
Some Veteran's need to live on base. 100%Recycling plants are run like military bases; bunks, chow hall, Chapel, etc. Special ops 100%Recycling 24 tons solid waste (shit) every minute, 24/7! Veteran's SuicideBusters.com 100%Recycling plants, will save 16 suicidal behavioral Veteran's every day!!
Text Me! 206-664-1945
Plastic2X4.com 100%Recycling plants are run and operated just like a real army barracks, canteen, bunks, chow hall, Chapel, etc.. Live on or off base. And the pay is way above average.
MISSION 100%Recycling prioritize hiring Veterans, we focus on the suicidal behavioral. We give him/her an offer they can't refuse, we give reason to live! A home they're use to, an "army barracks". He/she can live on or off base, he/she gets high wage, he/she has an important job! Can't let 2000 tons solid waste wait, because we got another 2000 in coming. That's a lot of plastic2X4 replacing wood to be made everyday 24/7!!
This plan, will save 16 Veterans out of the present 17 Veterans from choosing suicide everyday today!
We need President TRUMP Funding
to get the necessary start-up funding to build the first 100%Recycling plant in history. After start-up, SuicideBusters 100%Recycling plant will be self supporting from Plastic2X4.com sales to HomeDepot, etc..
100%Recycling plant is Veterans SuicideBusters, it will need no further funding after start-up. There's only one person who can authorize $1,000,000,000. funding for this huge undertaking, President Trump!
So, let's get 10,000 of us together, we all logon to the White House website, to ask President Trump, to fund 100%Recycling, necessary one billion dollars.
Here's where to EMAIL Trump!!
EMAIL@White House.com, google it!
Ask President Trump, to read: Veterans SuicideBusters and fund EPArecycle.com
Then Text Me! 206-664-1945, let me know you emailed President Trump. So I know how to send you the rest of the TRUMPinBIBLE.com BibleEND Prophecy story.
I’ll make you a deal;
If you EMAIL Trump now for our Veterans!!
I'll explain the rest of the TRUMPinBIBLE story, the rest what Bible Prophecy has to say about Trump.
God expects you to write President Trump, (or you wouldn't be reading this). 100%Recycling needs startup funding.
EMAIL@White House.com, google it!
I'll tell you the rest of the TRUMPinBIBLE PROPHECY BibleEND story, you'll be the first to know TRUMPinBIBLE BibileEND.
Please explain President Trump, we need to get ahold of him to tell him the rest of the BibleEND story concerning him, before it's too late for him to know. You can use my name, Frank D’orr, to explain I have very important Bible prophecy to tell him.
Then let me know you emailed President Trump, so I know your VOTE to tell you the rest of the TRUMPinBIBLE BibleEND story! Text Me! "Mr. Frank John Baptist Dorr" 206-664-1945
Ask President Trump, to read TRUMPinBible.com, fund 100%Recycling, EPArecycle.com
PROOF! BibleEND prophecy is true.
(Rev 16:12) Prophecy: Euphrates dries-up
The Euphrates River, its a huge river, it’s been around since before time. It’s first mentioned in (Gen 2:14) the beginning of the Bible time line.
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote it only in Greek.
Why are you still reading a translation? I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
2007, 22 vets chose suicide.
2024, 17 vets chose suicide.
I know a better way,
STOP 16 suicides everyday!
I know how, I can prove it,
It's 100%Recycling GreenNewRecyclingDeal.com EPArecycling.com SolidWasteDepartment.com plant. We pick up your garbage can weekly FREE! You don't have a garbage bill anymore!
FREE because EPArecycling recycles everything in your garbage can, into a product you need! (Plastic2X4.com) it's better than wood, it doesn't burn, warp, rot, and it cuts and nails just like wood. And you get any color you want! Home DEPOT will love it!
Each Plastic2X4 100%recycling plant, is run and operated just like a real army barracks, canteen, bunks, chow hall, etc., Live on or off base. And the pay is way above average.
We hire Veterans, we focus on the suicidal behavioral Veterans. We give him/her an offer he can't refuse, we give him a reason to live! A home they're use to, an "army barracks". He/she can live on or off base, he/she gets high wage, he/she has an important job! Can't let 2000 tons solid waste wait, because we got another 2000 coming. That's a lot of plastic2X4 replacing wood to be made everyday 24/7!!
This plan, will save 16 Veterans out of the 17 Vets who choose suicide everyday today.
Now all we need is 1-billion dollars in funding to make this happen ! WRITE Trump!! Tell President Trump, to read this website SuicideBusters.com, and fund 100%Recycling EPArecycling.com
Text Me! "Mr. Frank John Baptist Dorr" 206-664-1945
I guarantee it! ...or your money back!
TitheGOD Veterans SuicideBusters for six months, if God has not changed your life for the better within six months, I will refund your total tithe:
1-2-3 ways 100% Tithe gets to GOD online:
#1. TitheGOD.com
#2. MAIL ME! Your Check
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit,
2111 N. Belt St., Spokane, WA 99205
#3. paypal.me/TitheGOD family & friends.
Did you know??
Preachers on TV & churches today pay a 2.5% processing fee (or more) first to (Visa/Master/etc.) to process your tithe online before God sees a dime of it? They turn a blind eye to it, ask them why? In reality you're actually truthfully tithing to Visa/Master/etc, first before God. Does this make a difference to God? Is this the "Mark of the Beast"? What would Jesus say to these money changers today?
...please do not muzzle me!
100% of your tithe goes to nonprofit 501c3 Apostle Mary family and friends Church supporting: JesusFaithHealing, Veterans SuicideBusters, GodsDoves, Learn Read Greek, 100%Recycling, and BibleEND Bible Studies, where your donation is tax deductible!
Where are you in your Bible?
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
I teach "Learn Read Greek" Text Me!
I own the first three (3) Bibles, you're welcome to read them, but the Apostles wrote the NT only in Greek.
Greek lessons, you'll read entire
NT in Greek the Apostles wrote!
Money back guarantee!
Start NOW!! $500. + TextBooks
$500 Learn Read Greek bible study,
supports Veterans Suicide Busters.
PLEASE DONATE! I receive no funding, I cannot charge the veteran for healing, I depend solely on your donation to Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit family and friends Church.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!
Support Veteran Suicide Busters, Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit. Veterans Suicide Busters, depend solely on your financial support to pay for the day to day Veteran's Suicide Busters operations.
Apostle Mary 501c3 nonprofit organization, does not, and cannot invoice (bill) the Veteran for saving them from suicidal behavioral.
Per privacy and confidentiality act, we cannot divulge Veterans cases that we have prevented choosing suicide. If we did so, that Veteran would feel misled or violated, and could go choose suicide!
GOOD NEWS! Veterans suicide numbers are going down and not up, from 22 each day to 17 each day. But I know a better way, STOP 16 suicides every day. Text me! I'll prove it!
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!!
Some Veteran's need to live on base. Veteran SuicideBusters special ops is in a "solid waste" war. 100% Recycling company, will fund SuicideBusters, to be run like a military base, military bunks, chow hall, and special ops, recycling 24 tons solid waste (shit) every minute, 24/7! Vet's will have a choice to live on base or off. Veteran Suicide Busters 100%Recycling company will save 16 Veteran's from suicidal behavioral every day!!
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!
Compassion and service is the heart of spiritual traditions. By helping others and practicing empathy, only then we then can deepen our own spirituality, to make a positive impact in the world.
Did you know??
When God's Dove remains on you, like God's Dove remained on Jesus, (John 1:32-33) that's God's sign you're SEALED on your forehead, adopted into Heaven the Kingdom of God, as His son/daughter. It's God's choice who's adopted into Heaven, it's not man's choice. God uses His Dove throughout Scripture to represent His Holy Spirit.
Text Me! John Baptist' God's Dove is back!
Pray President Trump reach's out to us!
Enrolling LearnReadGreek classes now!
Veterans SuicideBusters.com fundraiser.
I teach LearnReadGreek.com the only way you can truly interpret God's Prophecy because the Apostles wrote it only in Greek.
Why are you still reading a translation? I guarantee after my 4 LearnReadGreek lessons, you will be able to read the entire NT Bible in the language Jesus spoke and Apostles wrote! Or your money back.
Text Me! LearnReadGreek.com 206-664-1945
ApostleMary.com 501c3 nonprofit Church
After my 4 lessons, I guarantee you'll read Greek words Jesus spoke, & interpret prophecy Apostles wrote! Text Me! LearnReadGreek 206-664-1945